About Fresh Start


Fresh Start is an intense Christian Discipleship center designed to assist and strengthen the church by providing biblical training to people in need. Our desire is to help congregations foster a relational atmosphere whereby home churches can actively disciple their own people.

We believe that all of life is lived from the heart. We will focus on developing a heart that is free from sin and any weight that could hinder you from the highest achievement possible– to love the Lord

Our two primary goals are that we would have a greater love for the Lord Jesus Christ and that we would have a greater love for the people He has placed in our life.


Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature... behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

Our Beliefs

The Bible is the Inspired Word of God and is sufficient for solving mans problems.

Trusting in Jesus is the only means of Salvation.

It is possible to have the assurance of Salvation.

It is possible to turn away from God.

Being born again will produce fruit in our lives.

Faith and repentance are the first steps.


Fresh Start works with a very broad spectrum of individuals and groups. Presently, the majority of our clients are from some sort of Anabaptist background (Amish, Beachy (Amish-Mennonite), Mennonite, Brethren, etc). We also work with clients from Evangelical background as well as those who have had little to no church background. Our Staff, as well, are from a variety of Anabaptist congregations. We are affiliated with Fresh Start Chapel and the Mid-West Mennonite Fellowship.


We do not charge our clients who want to enroll in the program. God graciously provides support for Fresh Start through the following means:

  • The shop program provides close to 25%-30% of our overall cost of operation.
  • The remainder of funding is freely given by churches, businesses, and individuals who share the vision of seeing men and marriages come to freedom in Christ.
  • Clients, along with their families and churches frequently contribute to program costs as well.

May God bless you for being a part of this work.


It is exciting to see God working in the lives of those who have been at Fresh Start, both staff and residents. Both have moved on to be used by God in some of the following roles:

Ministers: Mark Gingerich, Sam Gingerich, Randy Miller, Jason Schlabaugh, LaVerne Stoltzfus, Verlynn Yoder, Virlin Yoder

Ministry Involvement: , Sam Gingrich (LIFE), Donnovan Graber (CAM), Dave Horst (EDM), John Lanius, Jason Schlabach (DOH), Ben Waldner (DLM)

If you know of updates to this list please help us keep it current and let us know.


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